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Hi. Welcome to a site of projects.
One navigation note: "A Project" takes you to a random project, excluding the Processing gallery.

Conway's Game of Life (C++)

A discussion of Conway's Game of Life and cellular automata, and implementation in C++.

Article - Updated: 2022-02-24

Sketch Gallery (Processing)

Artwork/sketches designed in Processing!
Note: May be CPU-costly.

Misc - Updated: 2022-02-24

Minesweeper (P5js)

A somewhat difficult Minesweeper board, implemented in P5js. Plus Max's Minesweeper stats.

Game Dev - Updated: 2022-02-24

Pong (JavaScript)

Plays Pong in the Browser. Note that the AI can (now) lose. Have fun!

Game Dev - Updated: 2022-02-24

Wordle AI (Java)

Coding a Wordle AI (to ruin fun), and some Wordle AI trade-offs.

Article - Updated: 2022-02-27